Becky Lustig

Dear Gerri,
I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying my Sports Saddle and Equalizer pad. I’ve ridden in many different saddles, cutting saddles to English equitation saddles, and ranging in price from $300 to $3,000. I want to tell you, I like this saddle the best, and so does my horse.

As you know, I bought a horse that had a bowed tendon and I wanted something lightweight and comfortable for him. You should have seen his reaction the first time I rode him. His face kind of said, “What, this is a saddle, but I can move, and bend and breathe.” Not only does he feel good about this saddle, but I used to get the worse back aches and knee pains when I rode. Not now. A lot of people have tried this saddle since I’m the only one in the area with one. They all agree it’s the most comfortable saddle they’ve ever ridden in.

My daughter is currently advertising her saddle, and has taken several babysitting jobs so she can get one too. Hopefully it won’t be long and we’ll be contacting you to order one of the basic trail saddles. If I didn’t believe these are the greatest saddles for both rider and horse, I’d try to talk her out of getting one because her saddle is only about a year old. Guess what. I’m willing to help her out with her effort, that’s how much I believe in these saddles.

The Equalizer pad you sold me with my saddle is a marvel too. They are so easy to keep clean, stay neatly in place under the saddle and my horse has never, ever shown even the slightest tenderness in his back. Of course we’ll be ordering one of those to go under my daughter’s saddle too. Your company has come up with a great combination for both the comfort of the horse and the comfort of the rider. My hat’s off to your guys. Keep up the good work.
